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Special Lecture Notice: 19 April, at Oryong Hall 303, 16:00

  • 최상민
  • REG_DATE : 2016.04.15
  • HIT : 1437

International students must take one lecture below, given in English.

Taking lectures in Korean doesn"t count.

Date & Place: 4. 19.(Tue.) 16:00 ~ , Oryong Hall #303

Subject : “Understanding of Islam”
Lecturer : A Rahman Lee, Ju-Hwa (Imam of Seoul Central Mosque)

Please note that:

- You can complete the course by obtaining ‘Satisfactory’ grade through attendance and punctuality.

- The rules for lateness and absence result in course failure: Pls be there on time!

- In case of the failure, you need to re-take the failed series with the payment of  KRW 60,000 fee.

Inquiry : Sangmin Choi(Ext. 2042), sangmin@gist.ac.kr