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Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2013 (APMP 2013)
Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2013(APMP 2013)will be held in Oryong-Hall, GIST campus in April 22~24th2013. The technical sessions consist of plenary talks, invited talks, and contributed papers on Microwave Photonic Devices, Components, Techniques, Systems, and Applications which can disseminate valuable scientific information to Microwave Photonics community. The detailed scope of the Conference can be found atthe conference web-site (
We would like to cordially invite you to attendAPMP2013to enjoy the up-to-date technical presentations and social programs.
Yong-Tak Lee
General Chair, APMP2013
Jong-In Song
TPC Chair APMP2013