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President.s Message Welcomes You!


[Closed] 2020 Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP by NIIED)

  • Graduate Admissions
  • REG_DATE : 2020.02.12
  • HIT : 7459

Dear Applicants of GIST-KGSP,



Please refer to the attached file for the detailed guidelines of the 2020 GIST-KGSP by NIIED.

This is different from the regular GIST student recruit program.


The applicants can choose to apply for either of the programs:


- Ph.D. Program 

- M.S. Program



The application deadline for 2020 GIST-KGSP is 13th(Fri) March, 2020.

If you apply for the KGSP through the designated university track.

Please make sure that all the required documents should be arrived at the office by the deadline. 

Application and Required documents should be submitted by post. 

(Address: Section of Graduate Admissions, Unit 323, GIST College A, 123 Cheomdangwagiro, Bukgu, Gwangju, 61005, South Korea) 


● GIST-KGSP applicants must submit valid English score report to apply GIST.

(Minimum scores: TOEFL iBT 80, IELTS(Academic) 6.5, TOEIC 750, TEPS 600)


For the inquiries about the GIST-KGSP admissions, please contact us referring to below.



- Email: admis@gist.ac.kr

- Tel: +82-62-715-2054